Santa Clarita Live Scan

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Why doesn't my employer cover the cost of Live Scan Fingerprinting?

With Live Scan Fingerprinting becoming a regular part of the pre-employment process, many employers can and do cover the cost of fingerprinting. But when you are Live Scan fingerprinting for a license(nurse, lawyer, security guard, etc) you will be responsible for all fees unless the agency collects those fees as part of your licensing application.

Also many times, employers or agencies have a billing number that covers the cost of the Level of Service fees for either the DOJ Fees or FBI Fees but not the rolling fees. This billing number is indicated by a six-digit number located on your Request for Live Scan form in the billing number section.

Please always verify with your employer or agency if they pay or possibly reimburse the fees associated with fingerprinting.

If your fees are not reimbursed or covered by your employer, we suggest talking with your tax professional about the possible deductions associated with those costs when filing your income taxes.